DT Prague Open 2023 - fotoreport
Doom Trooper Prague Open 2023

English version below
Formát turnaje bude klasický:
Sady: Základní sada - Apocalypsa, Paradise Lost letos vynecháme, jsme si vědomi rozdílností v jednotlivých jazykových verzích a proto budeme hrát anglické texty karet a nebudeme vymýšlet nijak komplikovaný formát.
Připravují se revidovaná errata podle winternetu.
Seznam omezených a zakázaných karet ke stažení zde: BR_cards_Prague_Open_2023.xlsx.
4 kopie, totální válka, sabotáž.
Další použitá pravidla / anfglické texty karet:
- Altervista - anglické texty karet: https://www.doomtrooperdb.altervista.org/
- Winternet - pravidla:
Dále jednáme o prostorech kde se v pátek uskuteční tisková konference a rozlosování, v sobotu pak samotný turnaj.
Díky všem účastníkům a všem spoluorganizátorům chystaného eventu, kdybyste se chtěl někdo přidat do týmu, napište, budeme rádi za každou pomoc. Jakmile bude další info, budeme vás neprodleně informovat.
Veškeré informace a novinky budeme průběžně zveřejňovat zde na dtonline.cz a na FB stránce eventu
Kontakt: redakcelegenda@email.cz
Greetings from Czech Republic Doomtrooper fans!
On behalf of the Czech players, we would like to invite you to an international Doomtrooper tournament - Prague Open 2023. As the name suggests, it will take place in Prague on 20th May 2023.
First of all, let me share some numbers with you.
In the Czech Republic we have approximately 100 more-or-less active individuals who somehow refused to stop enjoying playing or collecting this special card game after its official end.
After year 2000 we started several forms of organized playing. A regular league, single Sealed Deck or Draft tournaments (with cards in various languages), all the way to the current format: Czech Doomtrooper Tour that consists of several tournaments in every calendar year.
During this era we even released 3 non-official expansions in Czech: Ragnarok, Heresy and Corp Wars. As a part of our Tour, we have been organizing an annual National Championship each autumn since 2017. With 30 players in one place, it is always our largest tournament.
In January 2020 we decided to try to expand our passion for the game across the borders and to invite you all to Prague that spring. Even though, due to the covid pandemic, we had to postpone this event by 3 years, now we are ready to go!
Quite bold, don‘t you think?
How are we going to play, you might ask. It is simple. A classical format only with the early official expansions: Base Set, Inquisition, Warzone, Mortificator, Golgotha and Apocalypse. 4 copies of each card, except for restricted and banned cards.
List of restricted and banned cards - download here: BR_cards_Prague_Open_2023.xlsx.
Sabotage rule, total war. We are aware of several differences between each language version, so the official card language for the tournament will be English.
Other applied rules / textx of cards:
- Altervista - list of cards in english: https://www.doomtrooperdb.altervista.org/
- Winternet - rules:
Well, what do you think? Are you ready to accept this challenge? I hope that the answer is yes, and that we would be able to welcome you in Prague on 20th May 2023.
Event on FaceBook
Contact: redakcelegenda@email.cz